

The way and way of precision parts processing


For the machinery industry and the automotive industry, the most frequently contacted substances are a series of parts and components. No matter what style or type, they are more or less familiar and know. Which kind of parts are used in which structure or which application position, the staff in the related industries knows the roots. However, no matter what kind of configuration, it needs to go through certain processing steps before it can be implemented in specific mechanical equipment. Therefore, professionals call this step precision machining.

There are many ways to process precision parts, such as heat treatment. Parts refer to the single parts that are inseparable in machinery, which are the basic components of the machine and the basic unit in the process of machinery manufacturing. The manufacturing process generally does not require assembly procedures. Such as bushing, bearing bush, nut, crankshaft, blade, gear, cam, connecting rod body, connecting rod head, etc.

1. Cutting of precision parts. Mainly include precision turning, mirror grinding and grinding. Micro turning is carried out on a precision lathe with a finely polished single crystal diamond turning tool, and the cutting thickness is only about 1 micron. It is often used to process non-ferrous metal materials such as spherical surfaces, aspheric surfaces, and flat reflectors. . Second, precision parts processing. When the precision of precision parts processing is in nanometers, and even in the end, the atomic unit (atomic lattice distance is 0.1 to 0.2 nanometers) is the target, the ultra-precision parts cutting processing method can no longer be adapted, and it is necessary to resort to special precision parts processing methods, that is, the application of chemical energy , Electrochemical energy, thermal energy or electrical energy, so that these energies exceed the joint energy between atoms, thereby removing the attachment, union or lattice deformation of some atoms on the surface of the workpiece to achieve the purpose of ultra-precision machining. These types of processing include mechanical chemical polishing, ion sputtering and ion implantation, electron beam exposure, laser beam processing, metal evaporation, and molecular beam epitaxy.



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