

What are the characteristics of precision parts processing?


Fine parts processing has many advantages. The most obvious is that it can achieve high precision that ordinary processing can’t reach. High precision also depends on fine processing equipment and precise suppression systems, and fine masks are used as intermediaries to complete surface alignment. The amount of layer material removed or added is very finely controlled, so what are the characteristics of fine parts processing in detail?

1. First of all, the production efficiency of CNC fine parts processing is high. CNC parts processing can process multiple surfaces at the same time. Compared with ordinary lathe processing, it can save a lot of procedures and save time, and the quality of CNC processed parts is also stable compared with ordinary lathes. a lot of.

2. Numerical control fine parts processing plays an irreplaceable role in the development of new products. Simply put, parts of different complexity can be processed through programming, while the modification and update of the design only need to change the program of the lathe, which can greatly Shorten the product development cycle.

3. The automation level of CNC fine parts processing greatly reduces the manual labor intensity of workers. Workers do not need to control the whole process like ordinary lathes during processing, mainly to inspect and supervise the lathe. However, the technical content of the corresponding CNC machining is higher than that of ordinary lathes, so it requires higher mental work than ordinary lathes.

4. The initial investment is larger than that of ordinary lathes, because the price of CNC lathes is very high, and its maintenance costs and the initial preparation period for processing are long.



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